Friday, January 07, 2022

Friday Afternoon Links

Assorted content to end your week.

- Bruce Arthur writes that Doug Ford's photo ops around empty hospital beds don't signal any useful accomplishment when they're not paired with solutions to the staffing crisis. Jessie Anton reports on the alarm bells sounding about Saskatchewan's health care system, while Nathaniel Dove highlights Cory Neudorf's recognition that we need to do far more to limit community transmission in order to make schools anything close to safe. Sara Mojtehedzadeh points out how people stand to lose out on treatment and income supports due to the lack of availability of COVID tests, while Kendall Latimer reports on the statement by Saskatchewan's Workers' Compensation Board that the Moe government's attempt to get people not to have PCR tests done will deprive anyone who listens of their expected income support. Colin Furness makes the case for a broad shift to wearing N95 masks. 

- Max Fawcett discusses the need to stop putting up with the anti-social effects of anti-vaxxers and the right-wing politicians who coddle them. 

- Hadas Thier makes the case for a response to inflation which reins in profiteering while ensuring people have the resources they need to secure the necessities of life. And Stephen Wentzell notes that workers actually stand to benefit from the economic conditions which lead to inflation - as long as the rug isn't pulled out just as gains start to filter down to the people who have contributed to larger profits. 

- Finally, Phil McKenna reports on the environmental fallout from poorly-regulated fossil fuel extraction and processing - including far more abandoned wells than may have previously been assumed.  

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