Canadians will be incensed if Liberal senators stall or block passage of the federal budget, Prime Minister Stephen Harper is warning Grits in the upper chamber...Naturally, Harper doesn't offer any explanation for the Senate Cons' filibuster against the House-passed Bill C-288 in the Senate - nor take any responsibility for what would be no less a lack of leadership than any failure by Dion to get the budget passed.
"...I think there'd be a sure lot of anger if a bunch of unelected guys decided they could block what the elected people did and what their constituents want."...
"Everyone expects that the elected house's judgment will prevail," Harper said.
Unfortunately, with the Libs brutally mishandling the Senate dispute and the NDP's attention understandably focused on equalization instead, Harper is largely getting a free pass thus far. But there's still no reason for the Senate's Libs to play any more nicely with the budget than the Cons do with the Kyoto bill - particularly with Harper leaving himself open to attack.