Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Burning question

An even faintly ethical government, confronted with reprehensible behaviour that escapes any ramifications based merely on a technicality, might be expected to at least turn its mind to trying to fill in the gap.

Anybody want to take bets on who'll even waste their breath suggesting that the Cons could have enough interest in honest politics to consider the possibility?

1 comment:

  1. Good grief!!!  Harper and his Consevatives have no morals or ethics, what-so-ever.. Harper is a fascist dictator. He has scum that work for him. As did Hitler.

    Just put Harper's name in place of Hitler's, their personalities are identical. Harper deeply admires Hitler.  Harper had a fascist party, the Northern Foundation Party. This was in 1989. They said, the skinheads assisted Harper to organize his fascist party. The American everyday people say, Harper election win was rigged.  That I do believe, well over half the Canadian people, did not want Harper as P.M.
