Monday, March 01, 2010

And it begins

Even I wouldn't have expected the Libs to start bargaining away the principle of parliamentary supremacy before the next session of Parliament even starts. But apparently they're perfectly happy abandoning the existing order for production of documents in order to let somebody else deal with torture in Afghanistan on Stephen Harper's terms - effectively conceding any question of legislative vs. executive power to Harper before it's ever resolved.

Memo to Libs: Korn Kob Kory Teneycke is a Con strategist. Take his advice at your own peril.

Update: kirbycairo says it better:
When are the Liberals going to understand, winning conditions for an elections are not going to simply appear out of thin air??? YOU MUST CREATE THE CONDITIONS!!! And you do this by pushing key issues and refusing to back off. IT IS REALLY SIMPLE!

Take this issue of the order of the House to produce documents. If you find the Government in contempt and banish a couple of ministers from the House (or even imprison them which the House has the right to do) as a penalty, this unprecedented step would make world headlines and cripple Harper. Parties that have been found in contempt and have Minister(s) in Jail don't win elections except in Honduras.

For some reason, conservative(s) (not just in Canada but most Western nations) are the only ones willing to play hardball anymore. And each time you push and then back off like the Liberals constantly do, you lose a little more credibility and you bolster Harper's image of untouchability.

Fight back you idiots, or face extinction.

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