Monday, August 17, 2020

Monday Afternoon Links

Miscellaneous material to start your week.

- Dan Guadagnolo calls out the spinmeisters trying to torque job availability numbers to portray workers receiving coronavirus relief as lazy rather than deserving. And Christian Favreau notes that in fact, the real danger is that any recovery plan will be used to further enrich the already-wealthy while inflicting yet another round of crushing austerity on the poor and working class.

- Angus Reid studies public health compliance among the supporters of different parties, and unsurprisingly finds that conservatives are far more likely to be "cynical spreaders" putting people at risk for no good reason. And Tyler Barton and Anand Parekh offer some lessons from around the world about reopening schools - with the rate of community transmission serving as the most importance factor in avoiding outbreaks.

- Jeff Lewis and Rod Nickel discuss how improved measuring systems are revealing that the Canadian oil and gas sector is spewing out far more dangerous methane than previously recorded. And Laura Hurst reports on the increasing number of oil and gas companies doubting that there's any point in seeking out new projects. 

- Finally, David Roberts examines new research showing to effectively use carbon pricing as part of a set of policies to avert climate breakdown - rather than relying on it as a climate policy unto itself.

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