Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Tuesday Night Cat Blogging

Cats at play.


  1. l always enjoyed your cat photos, but l'm here to offer you a sincere apology. l was horribly, rudely and foolishly wrong, when l was "carrying water for the LIBs". l hope you can forgive me and allow me to make this amend. l truly believed at the time - they were the only electable hope for causes close to my heart - MMIWG, homelessness and poverty. After taking a 2 year break from all things internet, treating my illnesses and getting wise counsel - l now see and humbly admit the foolish error of my ways.lt's good to see you're still here. l shan't bother you again, though l may come to read.

    Take care & have a good day

  2. ps - for the record, l became non-partisan long ago. Principles before personalities - is what my program teaches.

