Saturday, October 17, 2020

Saturday Morning Links

Assorted content for your weekend reading.

- The CCPA Monitor interviews William Carroll about the fossil fuel elite's control over far too much of Canadian politics, and the barrier that creates to any meaningful climate action. And Thomas Gunton takes note of the reality that new pipeline projects can't be justified on any economic basis (other than a belief that dirty fossil fuels should somehow be singled out for subsidies), while contributing to readily-avoidable harm to our planet. 

- Meanwhile, Andrew Leach and Blake Shaffer write that Alberta's transition away from coal power has been a resounding success in reducing both greenhouse gas emissions and energy costs. 

- Kenny Stancil reports on yet another planetary temperature record caused by our climate breakdown, with September 2020 ranking as the hottest one in recorded history.

- David Climenhaga writes that the UCP's health-care cuts - like most austerity schemes - figure to produce far less savings than promised (at far greater expense to public well-being). And in a prime example of what happens when we let corporations dictate the terms of access to health care, Ryan Tumilty reports on threats by Big Pharma to abandon Canadian patients if we don't agree to pay exorbitant prices. 

- Finally, Luke Savage writes about the liberal propensity to declare elections matters of life and death while then pleading an inability to change anything for the better if they happen to win power.

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