Saturday, November 29, 2008

Open questions

One more point worth highlighting about the Cons' choice to play politics with the recession rather than dealing with it as a problem worth fixing:
The Tories plan to scrutinize public reaction this weekend. If they don't feel they've persuaded Canadians that a change would be disastrous, sources said, they may consider describing in more detail what kind of spending they would be prepared to offer and under what conditions they would pump stimulus into the economy.
Which leads to a couple of related questions. If the Cons have those kinds of details available already, what excuse could they possibly have for hiding them rather than including them in their fiscal update? And if they don't, then why would Canadians have any reason to trust a government which first can't be bothered to come up with answers to a financial crisis until they've turned it into a political crisis as well, and then scrambles to improvise policy at the last minute?

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