Saturday, March 11, 2006

The warning shot

Lest anybody think that trying to posture against Iran while Iraq descends into chaos was keeping the U.S. military busy enough, the U.S. is apparently ready to fight Vietnam all over again as least, against one soldier who left the U.S. nearly 40 years ago:
On Thursday, March 9 Allen Abney, a US Marine who deserted and came to Canada in 1968, was detained by US Border officials as he crossed the border from British Columbia into Idaho. Abney, a dual Canadian/US citizen, was held in Idaho until he could be transferred to US Marine Corps custody and sent to Camp Pendleton, California, where he faces penalties under military law.

Abney, 56, lives in Kingsgate, BC, close to the Canada/US border, which he crossed often to go shopping, to do errands, and for other purposes.
The press release from the War Resisters Support Campaign points out the need for Canada to offer conscientious objectors to Iraq the opportunity to settle here. Unfortunately, the case also highlights the long memory of the U.S. when it comes to finding scapegoats for military failure...meaning that those who do settle in Canada (or elsewhere) as a result of Iraq will face possible punishment long after their desertion could have any impact on the U.S. military.

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