Thursday, September 29, 2005

Self over country

If there was any doubt that Frank McKenna will take a run at federal Liberal leadership, his comments today should put an end to it:
In a speech on Thursday to the Empire Club of Canada, Frank McKenna called the U.S. government dysfunctional and raised the alarm over America's growing budget deficit.

"The United States is a wonderful creation," McKenna said. However, "the government of the United States is in large measure dysfunctional."

Now, never mind that the statement is all too true. There's no point in making that the standard when the Washington establishment is built on something other than truth. And McKenna's candor can't exactly endear him to the officials who have created the dysfunction - who not coincidentally are the same officials who'll be liaising with McKenna during the balance of his term. McKenna will probably look better in the "stand up for Canada" sweepstakes for the comments, but they're completely out of place for a diplomat.

There are many times and many situations where a good potshot at the state of U.S. politics is entirely appropriate. (And lest that be interpreted as America-bashing, the same goes for our own.) But our ambassador shouldn't be the one taking those shots - especially when we need our international ammunition for much bigger substantive issues. And if there's any justice, McKenna's lack of diplomacy will be seen as a negative when he comes home and asks for our trust.

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