Monday, March 24, 2025

Monday Morning Links

Miscellaneous material to start your week.

- Ali Bustamente rightly challenges Donald Trump's claim that people should be happy to endure a regime-induced recession as an economic purge by pointing out how many people will suffer incalculable damage as a result of it. Paul Krugman calls out the attempt to conjure up a reasonable or coherent economic theory behind Trump's damage. And Melinda Cooper notes that while telling people to accept the loss of market income, Trump is also slashing both public supports and the civil service needed to make them available. 

- Robert Reich rightly warns that Trump's position that he can declare anybody a foreign enemy and disappear them without any due process means that nobody is safe. Melissa Ryan calls out the political class for merely standing aside and watching as democracy and human rights go up in flames. And Steven Beschloss writes that the American people can make the choice to hold onto what makes them human rather than going along with the regime's abuses, while Troy Nahumko discusses the importance of empathy as the basis of civilization. 

- David Moscrop writes about the need for Canada's next Prime Minister to work on breaking free from the U.S., while Thomas Homer-Dixon argues that we're at the stage of needing to prepare for war in order to preserve any prospect of peace. Megan Gordon writes about the need to protect workers as the key goal of our immediate response to a trade war, while Angella MacEwen points out the need to invest in an economy that serves both workers' interests and the national interest in the long term. And Tom Parkin notes that the unfocused tax slashing and capital gains giveaways on offer from the Libs as well as the Cons serve mostly as an upward transfer of wealth and an attack on our ability to invest in actual priorities.  

- Finally, Jessica Glenza reports on the expert warnings against vaccine denialism, while Natasha May reports that people around the globe are at risk from the measles outbreaks caused by anti-vaxxers. And Beth Mole discusses how Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s crusade against vaccinations is threatening to derail breakthroughs to fight other diseases which are otherwise within reach. 

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