Monday, September 09, 2024

Monday Afternoon Links

Miscellaneous material to start your week.

- Andrew Freedman examines how the summer of 2024 is shaping up to be the hottest on record. And Jessica Corbett discusses the strong public support for holding the architects of the climate breakdown criminally accountable for the resulting damage. 

- Mike De Souza reports on the Libs' choice to shovel public money to McKinsey and Company to consult on "clean tech" while it was actively being paid to lobby on behalf of fossil fuel interests. And Drew Anderson notes that Alberta's so-called market in electricity includes massive public handouts to fossil gas plants (along with government policies which have shut down renewable energy development). 

- Meanwhile, Toula Drimonis discusses how Montreal has seen its downtown rejuvenated by the choice to prioritize people over vehicles. 

- Max Fawcett writes that Danielle Smith's war on Alberta is only getting started. Jen St. Denis notes that BC Conservatives are lashing out at any media outlets who dare to point out the myriad of close connections between their leadership and Russian-funded disinformation campaigns. And Stephen Maher warns that we're headed toward the meanest election in Canadian history. 

- Finally, Sarah Anderson discusses how the U.S.' largest low-wage employers have paid out massive shareholder benefits instead of allowing employees to share in the product of their work. And Cory Doctorow points out that stock-based compensation creates a particularly ugly incentive for CEO to prioritize the former over the latter. 

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