Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Wednesday Morning Links

Miscellaneous material for your mid-week reading.

- Ed Broadbent discusses how economic equality is a precondition to freedom for the majority of the population. Chris McGreal reviews Angus Deaton's book on the role of the corporatist assumptions of economists in fomenting a war on the poor. And John McDonnell warns that Keir Starmer appears to be hoping for his opponents to hand him the UK's next election while neglecting the need for policy that would actually improve the material conditions of the working class. 

- Benjamin Shinger reports on the IEA's latest study concluding that fossil fuel consumption will peak in 2030 even without any policy steps to advance the transition to cleaner energy. And Fiona Harvey reports on a UN report calling for an end to new fossil fuel exploration by that time. 

- Simon Enoch and Charles Smith discuss the cynical political calculation behind the Moe government's use of the notwithstanding clause to attack trans children, while Trudy Keil points out the distractions included in the legislation to obfuscate the reality that its only real effect is to further endanger vulnerable youth. And the Economist offers its own take on Scott Moe's choice to import the U.S.' culture wars to Canada. 

- Finally, Adam Nichols reports on the contents of a leaked white nationalists' manual confirming the violent intent of the racist right. And Ryan Meili offers his take on how to respond to reactionaries. 

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