Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Tuesday Afternoon Links

This and that for your Tuesday reading.

- Grant Robertson exposes how the Cons and Libs alike destroyed Canada's pandemic warning and response system just when we could least afford it. Kelly Cryderman writes that we should be able to agree on a common goal of returning children safely to school - with the main obstacle being right-wing governments who aren't willing to dedicated either funding or regulatory power to the "safely" part.

- Paloma Pacheco discusses what a small boost in benefits has meant for people with disabilities, while also noting the impending return to precarity as that increase is set to expire. And Adam Radwanski identifies the difficulty in trying to plan out a recovery strategy which accounts for the often-divergent goals of climate progress and gender fairness - though that should serve as a compelling reason not to waste money on fossil fuel infrastructure which is harmful to both.

- Varshini Prakash and John Podesta discuss why we should be eager to fight for a Green New Deal against the politicians trying to make political hay out of climate obstruction. Seth Borenstein writes that wealthier people are doing far more harm to our climate than people with less money to burn. And Nina Lakhani points out how the fossil fuel sector has funded police groups to crack down on activists.

- The Guardian's editorial board writes that a wealth tax is worth pursuing, but doesn't go far enough on its own in ensuring the equitable distribution of social resources.

- Finally, Paul Krugman discusses how the U.S.' pitiful response to COVID-19 - like many of its social ills - can be traced to the Republicans' cult of selfishness. And Susan Wright calls out Jason Kenney for putting Alberta up for a fire sale - though in that case, there appears to be far more public backlash.

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