Monday, October 13, 2008

Tout le monde en parle...parfois

By all indications, Jack Layton's appearance on Tout le monde en parle seems to have gone extremely well. See Charles' comments on a previous post, as well as French coverage from Carl at democraticSPACE and one entertainment source.

But it's certainly worth noting the difference in coverage between Layton's appearance and that of Stephane Dion earlier this campaign. While the reviews weren't positive for the most part, Dion's time on the show received at least some mention in media ranging from Macleans blogs to the Globe and Mail to the Star to Canoe.

One would think that the show would be no less "wildly popular" - and thus relevant to the campaign - with Layton appearing rather than Dion. And indeed it would seem to make for a particularly important contrast if Layton put up a strong showing in a setting where Dion left the audience cold.

But for now, it looks far too doubtful that Layton's appearance will receive anything close to the attention given to Dion for doing exactly the same thing. And if not, then we'll have to hope that enough viewers saw the show and formed their own opinions to overcome the lack of followup in the press.

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