Monday, September 11, 2023

Monday Morning Links

Miscellaneous material to start your week.

- The Star's editorial board writes that there's still every reason to take precautions to avoid the spread of COVID-19, while Frances Ryan points out how disabled and vulnerable people haven't been so privileged as to be able to pretend it's ever gone away. And Marija Lugar et al. study the connection between COVID and the development of type 1 diabetes in children, while Abhimanyu Agarwal et al. review the extensive research showing how COVID can harm the heart and the brain.  

- Rebecca Leber and Umain Irfan discuss the UN's first global stocktake on the climate crisis, including its recognition that continued fossil fuel development is utterly incompatible with a liveable environment. David Spratt highlights the folly of risking the future of humanity in order to avoid meaningful emission reductions today.  And Tatyana Woodall writes about new research showing that existing assumptions may have vastly overestimated the thickness and stability of the Antarctic ice shelf - raising yet another risk of a climate breakdown producing a more severe cycle of harm than previously anticipated. 

- Alex Cosh calls out the capital-serving politicians looking to blame a shortage of student housing on a small number of international students, rather than governments refusing to address either the quantity or affordability of available homes. And Noah Fry points out how trade agreements are preventing governments from using public dollars to accomplish anything for anybody other than foreign shareholders. 

- Meanwhile, Nora Loreto writes that the Poilievre Cons' aversion to social policy means they aren't offering any answers to the financial insecurity they're using as the centerpiece of their spin. 

- Finally, Cory Doctorow is hopeful that tech workers are organizing and bringing collective action into some of the key workplaces for future development. 

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