Friday, August 11, 2017

Friday Morning Links

Assorted content to end your week.

- Noah Smith offers a reminder that market principles don't work for everything. And Amelie Quesnel-Vallee and Miles Taylor note that in the health sector in particular, the use of private providers to supplement an underfunded public system is leading to inequitable disparities in accessibility.

- Andrew Jackson challenges the Bank of Canada's decision to focus on reducing future growth at a point when job quality and wages still have ample room (and a desperate need) for improvement. And Richard Wolff argues that while a higher minimum wage is a plus, we ultimately need to address more fundamental imbalances between capital and labour.

- George Eaton points out how the UK Cons' turn toward austerity is set to result in skyrocketing inequality. And Ben Chu reports on new research showing that the income gap is becoming more likely to be locked in between generations.

- Kate McInturff offers some suggestions to promote women's equality in the next federal budget. And Scott Sinclair, Stuart Trew and Hadrian Metrins-Kirkwood list a few options to prioritize in any NAFTA renegotiation.

- Finally, Christopher Cheung reports on the Columbia Institute's study showing that a conversion to green energy would create millions of Canadian construction jobs over the next few decades.


  1. How about we switch it up and focus on men's equality (we've had plenty of budgets that focus on women's issues such as the last one).

    I'd like to see increased funding for Research on Men's health issues, Increased funding to addressed young boys falling behind education, free tuition so women who have many scholars just for women no longer have an unfair advantage, I'll like the money Trudeau took from men in need of forgeign aid and gave to women restored as part of a general increase in international aid, I'd like to see domestic violence shelters for men built for men flee violence and their families.

    Just some ideas, men have issues too, which often are ignored.

  2. How about we switch it up and focus on men's equality (we've had plenty of budgets that focus on women's issues such as the last one).

    I'd like to see increased funding for Research on Men's health issues, Increased funding to addressed young boys falling behind education, free tuition so women who have many scholars just for women no longer have an unfair advantage, I'll like the money Trudeau took from men in need of forgeign aid and gave to women restored as part of a general increase in international aid, I'd like to see domestic violence shelters for men built for men flee violence and their families.

    Just some ideas, men have issues too, which often are ignored.
