Saturday, January 07, 2006


Once again, PMPM's election promises take the form of claiming he'll clean up his own messes:
Canadian shipping companies, like Canada Steamship Lines, and their US counterparts, pump an estimated 2,500 tons of cargo residue into the lakes each year during 11,000 ship transits, according to a 1999 report by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration...

Former CSL employees say the cargo was usually dumped discreetly, either at night or, if in daytime, when planes or other ships weren't nearby, to avoid attracting attention.
Just in time for the final debates, the Libs have opened themselves up for a "going around in circles" label to go along with the "broken promises" one that's fit so nicely already. We'll look forward to seeing just how small the circles get; with PMPM as desperate as he appears, it may not be long before his post-holiday promises start contradicting those from earlier in the campaign.

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