Monday, August 22, 2011

RIP Jack Layton

After spending a decade laying the foundation, Jack Layton has tragically died before getting to complete the house that so many said couldn't be built.

For now, there's little to do but to offer condolences and grieve the loss of a great Canadian and friend. But hopefully Layton's inspiration will only encourage us to finish what he started.


  1. Dennis8:50 a.m.

    He was a great leader and a great Canadian. We are going to miss his integrity and convitions.

  2. Dennis9:25 a.m.

    Jack was a great Leader! He will be greatly missed.

  3. Sensible11:10 a.m.

    Democracy originally meant for the people, by the people, of the people until it got hijacked by corporations disguised as Liberals & Conservatives.

    Jack was definitely for the people but it is too bad that the NDP label was stigmatized in a bad way by the press....the same press that are flocking to cover Jack's death. 

    If there was one person that I would have given a chance to run our country, it would of been Jack, not just for his character but for his committment to the common folk, the ones that always get overlooked by those 2 other parties.

    When a TRUE LEADER goes down, it is hard to recover & I think the NDP are done.  Jack built this party up, it took so much time & its sad for him not to get that chance to reap the hard work that he put in.  He definitely would of kept Harper in check.

    It is a very big loss for our country.

  4. Eastside of West1:22 p.m.

    “When a TRUE LEADER goes down, it is hard to recover & I think the NDP are done.”

    How do you figure that? People who support the NDP tend, in my experience, to do so because of values and core principles. It isn’t some cult of personality. The narrative forced on us by the corporate media, who represent very different values, emphasizes Layton’s importance in order to minimize the appeal of those values and core principles. Jack will be sorely missed, but to say that his death is a mortal blow to the party is perverse.

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