Sunday, March 19, 2017

On pipelines to nowhere

I'll be taking a look at the individual candidates in the NDP's leadership race over the next little while. But before I start into that review, I'll pause to discuss the most bizarre development of the leadership campaign so far.

As I noted in reviewing the first debate, Peter Julian's choice to brand himself largely through his opposition to the Kinder Morgan and Energy East pipelines figured to turn what could otherwise have been a broadly acceptable campaign into a highly polarizing one. And a combination of nonsensical reactions to Julian's message and a lack of pushback on his part has taken the division to extremes which look highly dangerous for the NDP as a whole.

At the outset, here's Julian's position on pipelines in the context of resource development generally (emphasis added):
Mr. Julian said it is “very clear” to him that the NDP must oppose pipelines and work towards transitioning to clean energy.

Mr. Julian says the government should refine and upgrade raw bitumen from the oilsands in Canada, instead of exporting it. The risk of spilling the diluted bitumen the pipelines carry was not worth the reward, he said. 
Mr. Julian said building refineries and using the resulting product in Canada would create more jobs than pipeline construction ever would, and it would decrease Canada’s dependency on oil imports. It would also eliminate the need for pipelines, he said.
The same article notes that both Guy Caron and Niki Ashton are also opposed to Kinder Morgan and Energy East, and that the comparatively pro-pipeline position among the current candidates is found in Charlie Angus' slightly different emphasis as to the balance between the interests of pipeline operators and the people whose territory they use.

Somehow, that modest different in positions - coupled with Julian's emphasis on pipelines as an issue - has led to outbursts from NDP supporters which would fit far more comfortably within a Wildrose Party policy debate.

In one case, that's consisted of the classic capital-friendly position that any questioning of a business' wishes is predominantly an attack on the labour share of the resulting economic activity.

On that front, pipelines offer less wage bang for the buck of profit stashed away than nearly any other type of development Canada could pursue. And Noah Evanchuk's form of the theory is also false in attributing a hatred of refineries to Julian when he's the one candidate actually proposing to encourage more of them.

Even worse, the latest criticism of Julian from Doug O'Halloran has sunk to the level of echoing Ezra Levant's tired theme that some fabricated difference between "our oil" and "their oil" trumps the problems with locking ourselves into a future of burning carbon generally.

Unfortunately, Julian himself doesn't seem to have done much to set the record straight. And that might make sense for his campaign: to the extent he's trying to paint himself as the top choice for environmental voters (defined by opposition to pipelines), he may well have more to gain than to lose by allowing those attacks to stand unchallenged. 

But from the standpoint of talking responsibly about resource management, it could be disastrous for the NDP if its leadership debate serves to legitimize exactly the messages the party is trying to fight in the wider political scene. And hopefully the candidates who are trying to downplay the pipeline question will make that fact clear - and push both Julian and his critics toward the right balance.


  1. That's sort of an expected controversy as is Caron bringing up the Niqab.

    The surprising controversy was BLM Vancouver sabotaging Niki Ashton's campaign, over a Beyence quote.

    Accusing her of cultural approitation, which is a toxic idea to begin with, over a song that was actually partly written by four white guys was absurd enough, but when she surrendered she made the NDP a laughing stock.

    I think it likely tanked her campaign, which is a shame because she's a hard worker, who served her riding well and is passionate, but it's detailed her campaign from it message and as made her look silly.

    1. We'll see if that matters as you're anticipating. My thinking is that none of the other candidates will have reason to pay much attention to it, and it'll thus be long forgotten by the time anybody votes - the main way it could have an effect is if it stops Ashton from developing momentum early on.

    2. Many people do have short memories so I guess we will see.

  2. That's sort of an expected controversy as is Caron bringing up the Niqab.

    The surprising controversy was BLM Vancouver sabotaging Niki Ashton's campaign, over a Beyence quote.

    Accusing her of cultural approitation, which is a toxic idea to begin with, over a song that was actually partly written by four white guys was absurd enough, but when she surrendered she made the NDP a laughing stock.

    I think it likely tanked her campaign, which is a shame because she's a hard worker, who served her riding well and is passionate, but it's detailed her campaign from it message and as made her look silly.

  3. Anonymous8:23 a.m.

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