Thursday, October 12, 2006

Unfair enough

Leftdog has been all over the Cons' attempts to silence the Canadian Wheat Board, as well as the CWB's rightful frustration with the unprecedented gag order. But it's worth noting a couple of additional factors in the fight to save the CWB.

First, while the Cons are apparently relying on their supposed aversion to having federal funds spent on advocacy as a basis for the Order-in-Council, they had no such concern when it came to organizing the CWB's opponents on the federal dime (and behind closed doors).

Second, on a more positive note, the CWB at least isn't lacking for a strong supporting movement even if it isn't permitted to defend itself. Meaning that while the Cons may be doing their best to tilt the playing field in favour of undermining the CWB, there's still no realistic prospect of their ideology winning out as long as the question is one of public opinion.

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